Technical Principle of SPECT (Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography)

SPECT is a nuclear medicine technique used to create a three-dimensional representation of the distribution of an administered radio-pharmaceutical.

SPECT cameras detect only radio-nuclides that produce a cascaded emission of single photons.
SPECT radio-nuclides do not require an on-site cyclotron. However, the isotopes of Tc,TI,In,and Xe are generally not found in the body.
For example, it is extremely difficult to label a biologically active pharmaceutical with Tc-99m without altering its biochemical behavior.
Presently, SPECT has been used mainly in the detection of tumors and other lesions, as well as in the evaluation of myocardial function using TI-201.
However, certain pharmaceuticals have been labeled with iodine and technetium and provide information on blood perfusion within the brain and the heart.
The largest category of SPECT systems uses a single gamma camera mounted on a specialized mechanical gantry that automatically rotates the camera 360° around the patient.
SPECT systems acquire data in multiple projections at increments of two or more degrees.
In limited-angle systems, the camera is moved a limited number of times, usually six.
From the sequence of projections, an image is reconstructed by an algorithm called filtered
back projection.
After non-target data are mathematically filtered for each view, the reconstructed, three-dimensional image is derived from back projection, which comprises the multi-angled, two-dimensional views and projects them onto a computer monitor.
The projection data are combined to produce transverse (also called axial or trans-axial) slices.
Sagittal and coronal image slices can also be produced through mathematical manipulation of the data.
SPECT systems with multiple camera heads are also available.

In a dual-head system, two 180° opposed camera heads are used, and acquisition time is reduced by half with no loss in sensitivity.
A triple-head SPECT system further improves sensitivity. Some suppliers also offer variable-angle dual-head systems for improved positioning during cardiac, brain, and whole-body imaging. Imaging times can be decreased by using another SPECT configuration—a ring of detectors completely surrounding the patient.
Although multiple camera heads reduce acquisition time, they do not significantly shorten procedure/exam time because of factors such as patient preparation and data processing.
Several approaches are being investigated to improve SPECT sensitivity and resolution.
Novel acquisition geometries are being evaluated for both discrete detector and camera-based SPECT systems.
Kuhl [1976] recognized that (Fig(a)) the use of banks of discrete detectors could be used to improve SPECT performance.
The system (Fig(b)) developed by Hirose et al. [1982] consists of a stationary ring of detectors. This system uses a unique fan-beam collimator that rotates in front of the stationary detectors.
Another approach using a multi-detector brain system (Fig(c)) uses a set of 12 scintillation detectors coupled with a complex scanning motion to produce tomographic images.

An advantage of discrete detector SPECT systems is that they typically have a high sensitivity for a single slice of the source.
However, a disadvantage has been that typically only one or at most a few non-contiguous sections could be imaged at a time.
In order to overcome this deficiency, Rogers et al.[1984] described a ring system that is capable of imaging several contiguous slices simultaneously.
Camera-based approaches (Fig(d)) for SPECT have the advantage of generating true three-dimensional images of the entire organ of interest.

An obvious method to improve the sensitivity of these systems is to use more than a single camera (Fig(e)).

Lim et al. [1985] have developed a triangular configuration using three scintillation cameras. A high-sensitivity system is illustrated in (Fig(f)) which consists of an annular crystal combined with a rotation collimator.

However, this device is limited to brain imaging whereas the triangular system is suitable for both brain and body imaging.

Figure.21.6 illustrates a camera-based SPECT (Jaszczak et al, 1979). A pallet, designed to minimize gamma ray attenuation, supports the patient between the two scintillation cameras.
The camera separation is radially adjustable from 22 to 66 cm detector surface-to-surface.
This adjustment range permits the collimators to be in close proximity to the patient for both body and brain scans.
The data are collected with continuous gantry motion during a 360° rotation.
Acquisition times may be varied from 2 to 26 minutes. Angular samples are stored in 2° frames.


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